Every person is unique.

Every recovery journey is personal.

All stories are real, but names have been changed to preserve anonymity.

I reached out for support after things came to a head - I couldn’t work anymore, went off sick and knew I had to get some help. After an initial consultation with Anna I knew I had found the right person to support me, that I could be completely honest about my use and not feel at all judged. She was always positive, even when there were set backs and was determined to find out what would work for me. I am 38 days clean now and returning to work again. I feel so thankful I worked with her and am now living my life again.

Toni, 40 - Cocaine

I worked with Anna to help me get back on track with my sobriety after a couple of relapses connected to some family problems I was having. I had worked with the fellowship for many years before, but this was really different and caused a dramatic change in my life. Working with Anna offered a well of skills I could dip in to. I have really experienced her support in such an amazing way.

Maria, 54 - Alcohol

I made contact with Anna after being attacked. The anxiety I had about going out caused me to increasingly use alcohol as a way to cope. Anna never made me feel judged, she always listened to my needs and had solutions to really help me get where I wanted to be with my alcohol use. Having made the changes I can now live my life the way I want to and feel freed from the drinking which was holding me back personally and professionally.

Robert, 50 - Alcohol

I met Anna when things were really bad! I was using cocaine and drinking and my child had been placed in foster care. Anna never judged and created a really safe place to talk about what was happening for me, with helpful ideas about how to get back on track. She never lost faith in me even when I had! Without her care and commitment to supporting me to make change I don’t know where I would be. Things are still hard, my son is still with another family, but every day I wake up committed to my recovery and have the tools I need to cope with challenge.

Deana, 43 - Cocaine and alcohol

I have been a senior manager in Personnel for over three decades. I was great at giving advice but not taking it myself! When COVID hit my world was turned upside down and my drinking really escalated. Anna always finds a way to support me in a way I can understand and action - I struggle with new ways of thinking about myself - embracing my emotions, relaxing and making time for myself.  With great humour she has found things that I can implement to add to my coping skills as I reduce my alcohol use. I can now see a way out of this situation and am really pleased I made the call to get support and this is the person I chose.

Paul, 56 - Alcohol

Becky, 36 - Cannabis

I had been using cannabis to cope with life for many years. Following a drug driving charge I knew I had to make changes, things had got way out of control. I managed on my own for a couple of months, sheer will power, but then I had a lapse and knew I needed more support. I worked with Anna for about 4 months in the end. I am now 8 months clean of cannabis. I understand my triggers and reasons for using much more clearly and know how to keep myself safe when risky situations pop up. I really enjoyed working with Anna, which sounds weird to say! Now I am looking to support other addicts through community support services and give back in the way that I have received.