Drug and Alcohol Testing for Business

Medicinal screening.

Have you heard of the ‘codeine holiday’? Many workers have.

Workers have been known to take over-the-counter codeine prior to a drug test, knowing that this will lead to a non-negative opiate result.

Why would they do this? It can lead to a ‘codeine holiday’ - paid leave - whilst the result is being validated.

We offer speedy laboratory testing to offer clarity over this reading as swiftly as possible to distinguish between legal and illegal opiate readings.

Accredited, accurate results.

All tests are certificated for their exceptional levels of accuracy.

All laboratory tests are completed by laboratories with UKAS accreditation. UKAS is appointed by the UK government to assess and accredit organisations providing testing.

Legally defensible results.

Where results are non-negative, it is possible for the subject to acknowledge that the test results reflect their usage activity. This honesty can become a foundation for positive engagement and supporting change for your staff.

Where the results are contested, or your drug and alcohol policies have a clear zero-tolerance approach and full validation is required, samples will be analysed by a laboratory to provide the highest levels of confidence.

These legally defensible results provide you with the assurance you need to take enforcement action against staff.

Reports that make sense.

We don’t baffle you with scientific jargon.

Our result reports are clear and concise.

Reports can be tailored to your specific requirements.

HR team support.

We are able to work with your HR team to help you support employees with drug and alcohol issues and build a solid foundation for where enforcement action is necessary.

We provide clear and concise information about tests that is easy to understand and will not swamp your teams with technical jargon.

Randomised testing patterns.

We can help you to deliver randomised drug testing to ensure that employees are not simply avoiding drug or alcohol use in the days immediately prior to a pre-arranged test.

This approach sends a clear message to all staff that there are consequences to not taking the company drug and alcohol policy very seriously.

Volume discounts.

We offer highly competitive discount rate cards to help support high-volume testing.

Certificated clinical waste disposal.

You don’t need to worry about any stage of our drug testing process - including clinical waste handling and disposal.

All test waste is disposed of with with full clinical waste certification from a waste management provider that is partnered with a range of recovery specialists to ensure minimal environmental impact.

Rethink Recovery doesn’t just provide drug testing.

We provide the expertise and experience to help support you - whatever your testing requirements might be.

The expert service you need, when you need it.