Black Friday is here! (Christmas is coming…)


Black Friday is here!

Online at 12:01. Snap up those bargains. One for me, one for Christmas presents. One for me…

Have you ever regretted one of those purchases? If so, it turns out that you wouldn’t be alone. According to this survey by Which, the majority of people later regretted purchasing their Black Friday deals!

Black Friday is great for snapping up a bargain - when it’s something that you truly wanted or needed all along. But when, truly, did you realise that you needed a solar powered cheese grater (patent pending) during a cost of living crisis.

But what about when spending some money will actually save you a lot more money in the future. And make you healthier. And make you happier.

Sounds priceless. How about for £75?


For many people, the coming holiday season can be a time of considerable challenge if you are trying to make changes to your use of alcohol and/or substances (not least, all the adverts we’re bombarded with showing people drinking in festive environments).

If you’d like to prepare yourself for a change, or are worried about alcohol/substances for the festive period, then contact me now for the Rethink Recovery Black Friday special deal - a dedicated festive preparation session for a reduced cost of just £65. We’ll have a chat in advance to work out what your goals are, a full session (up to 90 minutes) and a summary report with any agreed actions and helpful resources for you to refer back to.

I know from the hundreds of people that I’ve helped through this time of year (I’ve been doing this for 23 years!) just how hard it can be, but with support, you really can make the changes today that you want for a happier and healthier tomorrow, so now’s the perfect time to contact me for a FREE consultation.

Enjoy the bargain hunting…


Nitrous Oxide is now illegal